2019 Vespa Primavera 150
恭喜新車主領取他的Vespa Primavera 150 享受駕駛全新Vespa的樂趣!
本公司代售之Vespa為Motoplex行貨保養, 信心保證。 歡迎到陳列室參觀查詢。
2019製Vespa Primavera 正式抵港 ✅全新款LED前尾燈組設計 ✅12吋加大輪框 ✅ABS剎車防鎖死系統 ✅晶片車匙防盜系統 ✅精緻電鍍飾件 提供代辨車會服務,每月供款低至$1,129
MY 2019 Vespa Primavera ARRIVED!!! All new LED front & rear light design Upgrade to 12 inches wheelset Safety anti-lock brake system Addition chrome decoration Provide fiance service plan, start from $1,129 per month
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CORSA MOTORS LIMITED G/F, No.233-235, Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T. 新界葵涌和宜合道233-235號地下 Tel: +852-2407 6828 Fax:+852-2407 6838 Email: info@CorsaMotor.com Web: www.CorsaMotor.com Office hour : Mon to Sat 10:00-20:00